Title: Da Kill Zone Filename: dkz.map Author: slyborg Email: Compuserve@102542,3600 Misc Author Info: dukematch! DUKEMATCH!! DUUUKEMAAATCH!!!!! Description: For 2-8 player fragathons-I used the layout from a earlier Doom2 wad I made(Pit.wad) and added just a few extras-no great special effects but a good map to fight it out on.No exit,no escape,no remorse. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Episode/level: user map Single? Nope Dukematch? Yup Difficulty Settings? not used Base? Pit.wad(Doom2.wad) Editor? Build Any bugs? nada Where can I get this map? Compuserve/Action Games Permissions? Do anything you want with this pup.